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“SECRETS” is an educational tool that aids in the therapeutic process that empowers children to talk about secrets that cause them harm. It is important that children find or recognize adults that will protect them. There are several approaches that can be implemented to empower children to discuss their fears and feelings with a caring adult. 


  • Sexual abuse thrives in secrecy. Perpetrators will often make the children they abuse promise to keep what happened “our little secret.” This can cause confusion to some kids since they’ve equated secrets with fun things like a birthday party or going to Disneyland

    • Teach your children that some secrets can be harmful and that no one should ask them to keep a bad secret. Let them know that some secrets can hurt someone and that they should tell you immediately
    • Whatever the secret is, take a breath and make a conscious choice to respond, not react, to the situation. This will let your child know that they can continue to come to you when they are in trouble or when they have something they need to talk about.
    • Secrets and surprises aren’t something that you should talk about once and assume your child understands.
    • Keep revisiting the conversation.
    • Any time there is a surprise, remind your child about the difference between a good or bad surprise or secret.
    • Keep talking to them, listening to them, and letting them know that you are there for them. No matter what.
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