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Meet Jacquelyn Hennagan-Gadsden

Licensed Social Worker | Author | Speaker

Jacquelyn Hennagan-Gadsden is known professionally in the state of South Carolina for her work with families and children involved in the Foster Care system.  Her career includes over 45 years of experience in Human Services.  She is a Licensed Social Worker and completed a master’s degree in Individual and Family Development.  She completed 138 hours toward a PhD in Human Services with a degree in Family Studies and Intervention Strategies.


Mrs. Gadsden was chosen to serve on the Governor’s Mark Sanford’s Task Force in working with a team of professionals to improve the Foster Care and Adoption process in South Carolina.


Mrs. Gadsden is the Founder and creator of There’s Room, Inc. that provided services that made a difference to families and children.  There’s Room, Inc. provided supervised visitation, assistance in licensing foster families, offered Parent Education and provided training and workshops.


Mrs. Gadsden published two books for children, “There’s Room”, that depicts the grief process that children experience when they are transitioning to new environments and “SECRETS”, a book that aids in the therapeutic process that empowers children to talk about secrets that cause harm. It is important that children find or recognize adults that will protect them. She has many commendations for her dedication and commitment to children. 


She conducts many workshops and seminars regarding the plight of children and family crisis. Mrs. Gadsden’s desire and passion for working with children and families was inspired first by her belief that working with children was her destiny.  Mrs. Gadsden developed a long career in providing services to children and families and focused on children having an environment that is safe and nurturing.



‘Steppin’ on Bumblebees

This is your introduction to SOB. When I was about ten years old, I loved to walk barefoot, I still do. My father would tell me to put on my shoes and I wouldn’t. He was a gardener and I would follow him in the garden. One day I followed him in the garden barefoot. I stepped on a bumblebee and it stung me. I fell over from the sting and it was painful. Have you ever been stung by bumblebee?


How did it make you feel? For me, it hurt like hell. My father looked at me and said, “You see gal, sometimes it’s the little things in life that will throw you”. I didn’t understand then how powerful that statement was, but through the experiences of life, I have learned how amazing that little things can be a huge distraction. Sure, there are life-altering events that can turn your world upside down, but the little things tend to slip under your skin and into your soul. SOB is a podcast that will explore the journeys that we experience on our way to finding our destiny. Discussions, interviews, life lessons, and many more presentations will be broadcasted. I invite you to join us. I am looking forward to sharing my audience with you.

Bumblebee story
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